Dave Eyerman, LAc
Licensed Acupuncturist
Shamanic Practitioner
Peaceful Warrior
(978) 503-1048
My Story
I have struggled with a sense of belonging my whole life. From being born into a family where I did not feel I fit in, to growing up in a community who did not see me for who I was, I developed a very "healthy" ego who was convinced I was alone in the world and just had to make due with what was given to me. My ego told me I needed to quietly suffer and relish the moments of relative connection. My coping strategies were shaken up at 19 years old when I had a near-death experience by almost drowning. As I fought for my survival while being pulled under water by a powerful undertow, I had no other choice but to surrender to my fate. With that surrender, the benevolent forces of life gently brought me to safety.
After this profound experience, I began exploring spirituality, including meditation, Buddhism, and Native American medicine. This is where I started to realize who I was outside of cultural and societal programming. Through these inward spiritual explorations and outward travels around the globe, I developed a stronger sense of who I truly am, facing my inner fears and breaking down the barriers to my heart.
As I continued to feel the benefits of embodying a truer and fuller sense of myself, I knew that I wanted to help others overcome their own internal barriers.
This process of stepping into a more authentic expression of myself was first externally evident when I shifted from working as a computer programmer to teaching high school math. This was the first step I took towards making a positive impact in the world through the relationships I developed my students. Then, in my second year of teaching number lines to Algebra II students, the next wave of authenticity hit me: I can do more than this to help. I desired a closer connection to people who were willing to strive to access their fullest selves. I made the challenging decision to leave teaching, the field I thought was my calling, to pursue a Master's Degree in Acupuncture. This change paved the way for me to offer more soulful support to those who were truly ready to step into the process of finding their unencumbered selves.
It is my profound joy to watch others embrace who they truly are and it continues to inspire me to do the same.
My first meditation teacher, Tara Brach, taught me the basic framework of an authentic and undefended compassionate heart. Shamanic psychologist Dr. Steven Farmer, herbalist Tommy Priester and the Michael Harner Foundation for Shamanic Studies have all helped me learn how to apply ancient shamanic teachings to the modern day world. I have had privilege of studying with Native elders from a variety of traditions including Lakota, Choctaw, Mohawk, and Cree to develop my understanding and reverence for the spiritual connection with nature and the unity of all things. I have a passion for exploring plant medicine, specifically psilocybin, and how it assists in breaking down the ego. unlocking the heart, and revealing one's truth.
Over my three years of studies at the New England School of Acupuncture I grounded in Traditional Chinese Medical theory. Working with Lonny Jarrett helped me awaken to the psycho-spiritual dimensions of this incredible medicine. Learning about the journey of the soul via the teachings of the Akashic Records through my good friends and mentors, Seana Zelazo and Liz Varney, has brought me greater perspective on the interplay of the human and the soul. Most recently I have greatly enjoyed working closely with Desda Zuckerman, the founder Sacred Anatomy Energy Medicine, to more deeply understand the energetic nature of what humans are comprised of and how to aid their overall well-being.
All of these trainings, medicines, and practices inform my work with my clients. It is my great pleasure to work collaboratively and creatively to help all those who cross my path become the best versions of themselves and to find peace within themselves and their connection with Mother Earth.
In addition to my healing work with clients, I have cultivated a delightful relationship with spirituality, nature, and creativity through the art of woodworking. It is an honor to give wood pieces new life and purpose. I regularly communicate with each piece, asking it what it wants to be and how it would like to extend its medicine out into the world. Being a woodworker is about embracing alchemy and owning my magic. You may visit NaturalElementWoodcraft.com to request a custom piece or to explore the magical items I have created that are waiting to find their rightful home.
My Guiding Principles
Everything is energy.
The Law of Resonance not only helps describe how we interact with each other, but also has implications for energetic "protection" and working with plants, animals, and even technology. Approaching energy in all its forms with an authentic heart is foundational for relating to all things.
You are an infinite soul having a finite human experience.
You are so much more than how you appear; there are much broader forces guiding you on your journey. This helps bring levels of peace and faith to the harsher, rougher edges of life.
As a human, regardless of race or ethnicity, you are indigenous to this planet, and are indelibly connected to it.
As much as you are a unique individual, understanding your connection to the planet can open up huge avenues of understanding to your challenges, alignment with your "home," and ally-ship with all natural beings everywhere.
It is your birthright for all of you to come fully alive.
Your soul came here, in part, to express itself fully. Living life to its fullest means being the fullest version of you that you can in any given situation.
The process of healing is about dismantling all that is not you so you may freely radiate the soulfulness that is you.
You are not broken; you are already a whole, unconditionally loving being. Healing work is the process of coming into deeper resonance and acceptance of the fullness of you. This process is one of meeting the parts of you that are stuck in pain and fear with love, so they no longer have outsized influence on how you think, feel, and act, and you can live more intentionally from your truest, soulful nature of love.
You have incredibly powerful, incredibly benevolent spiritual support.
Powerful, deeply loving divine beings have your back every step of the way. It is possible to tap into that and grow an authentic trust in your journey.
Spirit always has your back, even when it feels like It doesn't.
Difficulties in life are normal, natural, and expected. The real challenge is to see (and, maybe even welcome in) difficulties as ways to grow, evolve, change course, experience different things, and get the most out of life you can.
This is your life; my job is to help you find your way to your most authentic self so you can decide the best way for you to move forward.
I am a healer in that it is my job to create the space for healing to happen. You are your own healer, and it is up to you to accept what is offered, make the changes that need to be made, and get the most out of your own life.