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Akashic Records Readings

You are a soul first, and a human second. You do not have a soul, you are a soul, and you have a body. 


Your Akashic Records are the records of your soul's journey. They hold all the information about where your soul has been (in this life and in others) and the deep why's of the experiences of your current life.


A reading of your Records can help you understand your relationships, challenges, and situations you are facing or have faced in your life from a really big perspective. Understanding the deep lessons and spiritual meanings behind your life's experiences can help bring peace and empowerment to your journey. 


The Akashic Records hold information about what lessons you are learning through your journey, and can help you get unstuck from relationships, patterns of behavior, and situations where you can't seem to get out of or let go of for some unknown reason.


Things you can ask the Records include (but are definitely not limited to):

  • I would like to understand my relationship with <so-and-so> better...

  • Why do I feel this way about this <person/house/situation/event/thing>?

  • Why did <such-and-thus> happen in my life?

  • What do I need to help me heal from <this-thing>?

  • Why is this person/pet in my life?

  • Why do I keep falling into a <such-and-thus> pattern?


Some things to keep in mind about a reading:

  • Akashic Records are not predictive. You will not see the headline "Akashic Records Reader Wins Lottery!"

  • The Akashic Records support and advocate for your free will. They are here to offer a perspective on what you are going through, and options that you have to help you move forward.

  • It is imperative that whatever I say, the information has to resonate with you. I am a middle-man communicator between you and your Records. Information that comes through will travel through the imperfect vessel that is Dave Eyerman.


That being said, having your Akashic Records read is deeply validating and incredibly helpful to understand a wide range of things that you have experienced or are currently experiencing.

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